Top 5 incredible WhatsApp features you can use now

WhatsApp has now become one of the most used applications for messaging. The app has been constantly pushing its envelope for technological developments while rolling out new features for its 1.5 billion monthly active users worldwide. To retain its top spot as the most used app, WhatsApp has come out with a set of new features that will be available across various Operating Systems (OS) including Android and iOS. Following is a list of new features you can use on WhatsApp now: 1. Fingerprint authenticationWhatsApp recently introduced its fingerprint authentication feature on its Android beta app. The feature is available to iOS users already where users can unlock their chats using Touch or Face ID. With the introduction of this feature, the app also lets users choose if they want to hide their chats from the notifications. To enable this feature users should head to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Fingerprint lock. 2. Consecutive voice notesPreviously when users would receive voice notes from their contacts they would need to play each voice note separately with no continuity. However, the instant messaging app recently introduced a new feature that would play all of the consecutive voice notes together one after the other, keeping a sense of continuity for the user.3. Group invitesWhatsApp has recently introduced its 'group invites' feature that allows users to set their privacy settings to such that only their contacts can add them to groups and that too not directly. In case of a contact adding a user to group, the user would get an invitation to join the group within 72 hours. 4. Frequently forwarded tagThe instant messaging app this month also introduced its ‘frequently forwarded‘ feature. With the help of this new feature, the instant messaging app can tag messages that have been forwarded more than five times. With it, the company aims to alert users of spam messages that are circulated on the platform.5. Private voice notesYou'd now just need to start the voice note and then put their device next to their ear. When this is done, WhatsApp routes the audio from the loudspeaker to the earpiece.

from The News International - Sci-Tech
WhatsApp has now become one of the most used applications for messaging. The app has been constantly pushing its envelope for technological developments while rolling out new features for its 1.5 billion monthly active users worldwide. To retain its top spot as the most used app, WhatsApp has come out with a set of new features that will be available across various Operating Systems (OS) including Android and iOS. Following is a list of new features you can use on WhatsApp now: 1. Fingerprint authenticationWhatsApp recently introduced its fingerprint authentication feature on its Android beta app. The feature is available to iOS users already where users can unlock their chats using Touch or Face ID. With the introduction of this feature, the app also lets users choose if they want to hide their chats from the notifications. To enable this feature users should head to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Fingerprint lock. 2. Consecutive voice notesPreviously when users would receive voice notes from their contacts they would need to play each voice note separately with no continuity. However, the instant messaging app recently introduced a new feature that would play all of the consecutive voice notes together one after the other, keeping a sense of continuity for the user.3. Group invitesWhatsApp has recently introduced its 'group invites' feature that allows users to set their privacy settings to such that only their contacts can add them to groups and that too not directly. In case of a contact adding a user to group, the user would get an invitation to join the group within 72 hours. 4. Frequently forwarded tagThe instant messaging app this month also introduced its ‘frequently forwarded‘ feature. With the help of this new feature, the instant messaging app can tag messages that have been forwarded more than five times. With it, the company aims to alert users of spam messages that are circulated on the platform.5. Private voice notesYou'd now just need to start the voice note and then put their device next to their ear. When this is done, WhatsApp routes the audio from the loudspeaker to the earpiece.
