
Why is Sheryl Sandberg resigning from Meta board?

Galaxy-gobbling 'oldest ever black hole' becomes astronomical enigma for NASA, ESA

Nasa Hubble telescope discovers supernova 2.5 billion times brighter than sun

Is LinkedIn the new Tinder for Gen Z?

VIDEO: Elon Musk's humanoid robot 'Optimus' folds clothes

Chinese researchers introduce clone monkey who is over three years

How meteor killing dinosaurs gave rise to birth of Magic Mushrooms 65 million years ago

WhatsApp introduces polls for channels on Android

Google launches election trends page in Pakistan to facilitate users

DIY Perks YouTuber introduces first-ever PS5 tablet

The Lost Crown: Prince of Persia's Farsi version celebrates Persian culture, Iran

WhatsApp to allow users to 'manage' updates from now on

Starless galaxy leaves astronomers scratching their heads